Tuesday, October 18, 2016

How to Make Your Own Cooper Time Cube

This is a Cooper Time Cube.

This is John and at Blackbird Studio...he has a few of them lying around.

This is the current price for one Cooper Time Cube.

What does it do? In 1971 the original Cooper Time Cube was designed by Duane H. Cooper and Bill Putnam, who would later start Universal Recording and become synonymous with recording. It was an early attempt at a delay effect.

It has a great musical sound and sits in a mix effortlessly.

Today I'm going to teach you how to make one with just one trip to the hardware store.

What You'll Need:

  • Duct Tape
  • A Funnel
  • Shure SM57
  • A Speaker or Guitar Amp
  • Garden Hose
  • Razor Blade 
I drew a quick diagram of how to make this device. Ignore my bad art skills, but it should give you a good idea. 

The trick here is to get a funnel that fits securely over the speaker you have.

Keep in mind the original Time Cubes were capable of either; 14, 16 or 30 ms delays. You can aim for those or you can do your own thing. That's entirely up to you.

Good luck!